水成膜泡沫灭火剂(aqueous film-forming foam,AFFF)是一类能够在烃类液体表面形成水膜的泡沫灭火剂^[1-2]。在目前用于扑灭油类火灾的灭火剂中,AFFF由于其水成膜及泡沫的双重灭火作用具有最佳灭火效果。而且由于AFFF中绝大部分的组分是水,在国际范围的“淘汰哈龙行动”中作为哈龙灭火剂的替代品,成为国际上重点发展的灭火剂。
The fire-extinguishing capability of aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) is usually evaluated by actual fire-fighting test. It is not only costly, but also unfavorably to environment and safety. Therefore, it is of importance to find means to evaluate the performance of AFFF indoor. In this work a simple laboratory method for evaluating the performance of AFFF is proposed,based on the principle of AFFF and our researches on AFFF. It is found that the firc-exfinguishing capability of AFFF could be evaluated by five parameters. 1 ) spread ability of AFFF on the oil,2) the spread amount of AFFF on oil,3) foaming ability of AFFF,4) speed of liquid eduction from foam,5) stability of foam. These parameters can be measured easily in common laboratory,by which the fire-extinguishing capability of AFFF can be evaluated without actual fire-extinguishing test.