According to monthly precipitation data from 1960 to 2010 for 24 meteorological stations distributed in Kazakhstan in the Balkhash Lake Basin, average annual precipitation and precipitation using Kriging difference technology and SPI, Z and PDECI (aridity-wetness indexes) were used to study inter annual aridity-wetness change, aridity-wetness event frequency, aridity- wetness duration and aridity-wetness spatial distribution. The results showed that inter annual aridity-wetness events happened across the Basin, and under a time scale of three months as partial drought events usually occurred in February to April and partial moist events occurred from June to August. The duration of the moist event increased gradually after the 1970s; since entering 21st century the frequency of moist events has increased significantly. Currently, statistical results according to the three kinds of aridity-wetness indexes proved that the Basin is in a moist period. In a moist year in 1998, the Basin was "Southeast drought and west moist" ; in a normal year in 2000 the Basin was "Northeast drought and southeast moist" ; and in a drought year in 1978 the Basin was "South drought and west moist". These research results reveal distribution changes in climate and environment in the area and provide references for protecting aquatic and land ecological environments of Balkhash Lake.