用加密气象站降水资料、NCEP再分析资料以及WRF 模式的精细化模拟产品资料,对2011年6月24日20时-25日20时,由强热带风暴"米雷"与西风槽结合造成的江淮区域暴雨过程进行分析和诊断。结果表明:西风槽温压场斜压性显著,强热带风暴温压场正压性显著, 构成了有利于中小尺度系统和暴雨发生发展的环流背景。 由强热带风暴携带而来的水汽,路程近、速度快,在暴雨区形成深厚的水汽层。暴雨区具有两个上下叠置的垂直上升运动中心,保持对水汽的深厚强抬升,维持暴雨环流系统的强度。暴雨区环境大气流场动力正、斜压分解显示,此次暴雨过程大气流场的斜压成分占显著的主导地位;暴雨开始阶段, 正压动能向斜压动能的转换迅速增强, 各分项和总项都达到最大值;其后的暴雨阶段, 转换强度逐渐减弱, 暴雨结束时各项都接近0值,甚至出现弱的斜压动能向正压动能的转换。
Based on precipitation data from weather stations,NCEP reanalysis data and refined simulated product data from WRF model, the rainstorm occurred in Changjiang-Huaihe area caused by the combination of strong tropical storm "Milai" and westerly trough from 20:00, June 24 to 20:00, June 25, 2011 is diagnosed and analysed. The results show that the strong tropical storm is mainly a barotropic system while the westerly trough is a baroclinic system, which constructs background bene ficial to easy development of rainstorm and meso-scale system. With a short path from the East Sea and a fast transportation speed, the moisture brought by strong tropical storm forms a thick moisture layer over the heavy rainfall area, where two centers of vertical velocity overlap vertically, maintain the strong moisture lifting upwards and support the rainstorm strengthen. The analysis on dynamic barotropic and baroclinic characteristics of rainstorm environment shows that the baroclinic component is dominant in this rainstorm event. At the beginning of the rainstorm event, the conversion from barotropic to baroclinic energy enhances rapidly and gets to the peak, but in the following rainstorm period, the conversion strength gradually reduces; at the end of rainstorm, the items of calculation approaches zero or even occur weak inverse conversion.