为了解决计算机能耗估量问题,本文分析了计算机各部件的参数对能耗变化的贡献程度和参数之间的相关度,选取最能代表系统能耗变化的可监测参数建立了CMP模型,CMP模型可根据计算机系统处理任务时的状态不同而选取不同的能耗变化主导元件,利用这些元件的监测参数对计算机系统能耗进行估量。本文在各种任务状态下进行了实验,结果证明, CMP模型在计算机能耗估量中要优于常用的FAN模型和Cubic模型,尤其是在计算机做数据密集型任务的时候。
As the development of cloud computing and the emergence of large data centers, computer system energy consumption and efficiency increasingly become a focus of research. This paper aims at solving the problem of computer’s energy estimation. The energy-consumption contributions of the all components in a computer are analyzed. A CMP energy consumption model which reflects the dominant monitored parameters of system energy consumption is constructed. This model could choose different dominant parameters according to the state of the computer’s major components. Experiments show that during a variety of workloads and different task types, the CMP model can achieve a higher accuracy on power estimation than FAN and Cubic model, especially when computers doing data intensive tasks.