catastrophic torrential rain occurred in the middle reaches of Yangtz River during the period of 08:00 BST 8 July 2003 to 08:00 BST 9 July 2003. Retrieval wind data from Wuhan and Yichang Doppler radar are assimilated into Advanced Regional η-coordinated Model (AREM) with Three Dimensional Variational Assimilation of Global and Regional Analysis Prediction System (GRAPeS-3DVAR). Results show as follows. ( 1 ) When retrieval wind data from Wuhan and Yichang Doppler radar are assimilated into AREM model with 3DVAR, remarkable improvements are made in the simulation of torrential rain band in the connecting area of Hunan and Hubei Province. (2) When retrieval wind data from Wuhan or Yichang Doppler radar are assimilated into the model separately, each simulated result of rainfall is better than control experiment. But it is worse than that of assimilating two radar wind data into the model at the same time. It shows that the more initial meso-scale wind field is assimilated, the higher the quality of the initial field is and the better the precipitation simulation result is. (3)The 3DVAR assimilation of radar wind field has improved the meso-scale structure description of analysis field, which contains richer and more reasonable meso-scale information. The spin-up phenomenon is therefore alleviated and the model can simulate the heavy rain close to observations at the initial integration stage.