针对舰载飞机着舰回收过程的复杂性和危险性,建立了飞机六自由度逃逸复飞数学模型,分析了飞机触舰后逃逸复飞的动态性能。该模型考虑了起落架缓冲变形运动及轮胎载荷特性。数值模拟了舰尾紊流和地面效应,采用变步长龙格库塔算法求解了机体的动力学响应,分析了航母运动、舰尾流、地面效应对飞机纵向和横向逃逸性能的影响,并阐释了其动力学成因。分析结果表明:航母横摇和艏摇运动对横向逃逸轨迹影响最大,侧向滑动达到5m;舰尾流使飞机触舰提前,缩短了飞机的逃逸滑跑距离,抬高了纵向逃逸轨迹。当甲板风为23.1 m/s(45 kn)时,飞机的离舰高度增加了约14 m;与主观感受不同,地面效应对飞机逃逸性能无明显有利影响。
In view of the complexity and importance of a carrier-based aircraft's landing and recy-cling process,a systematic model during bolting,composed of six-degree-of-freedom mathematic model of the carrier-based aircraft,four-degree-of-freedom model of landing gears and six-degree-of-freedom mathematic model of carrier,was established in the MATLAB-simulink environment,damp-ing function of landing gears and dynamic characteristics of tires being considered.Meanwhile,the air wake and ground effect were numerically simulated in the model.The bolting traj ectory of aircraft was calculated via algorithm for variable step-size Runge-Kuta.The effects of carrier movements,air wake and ground effect on bolting performance of aircraft were illustrated in details.From the calcula-tion results,three important conclusions are obtained:the rolling and yawing movements of carrier threaten the lateral bolting performance,and the lateral displacement of sliding is up to 5 m;air wake antedates the touchdown and induces elevation of longitudinal bolting traj ectory,and the height of air-craft while flying off the carrier is increased by about 14 m when the deck wind is 23.1 m/s(45 kn);ground effect is not beneficial to bolting performance.