通过固定样地、样株的观测和室内、室外实验分析,运用杂交指数、花粉-胚珠比、花粉活力和柱头可授性观测、人工授粉和套袋实验等方法,对银沙槐自然种群的繁育系统进行了研究.结果表明:该种单花花期一般7~11 d,依据花的发育进程分为花蕾期、散粉前期、散粉期和萎蔫期4个阶段;花粉-胚珠为16243.35,杂交指数为4;结合人工授粉及结实结籽率结果,综合考虑银沙槐繁育系统属于异交型,部分自交亲和,没有无融合生殖现象存在,需要传粉者.银沙槐繁育系统以异交为主,存在与自交相适应的结构和行为.
Based on the observation of the sample plants in the plot and indoor analysis,with the focus on the out-crossing index,pollen-ovule ratio,pollen vitality,and stigma receptivity under natural condition and artificial pollina-tion and bagging,a systematic research on the breeding system of Ammodendron argenteum was conducted.The re-sults showed that the blooming period lasted seven to eleven days.By the flower’s morphology and pollen dehis-cence,i.e.,the flowering process for one flower of this species could be divided into four periods:bud swelling,pre-de-hiscence,dehiscence,and flower withering.Based on the artificial bagging and pollination experiments,its breeding system of outcrossing chiefly and self compatible partially was determined,and pollinators was needed during the pol-lination process,there was no apomixes.