通过对2008年5月在江苏平岛潮间带采集的砂质沉积物进行离心提取,经形态分类学方法鉴定发现底栖猛水蚤目两个新记录种,濑户叶足猛水蚤Phyllopodopsyllus setouchiensis Kitazima,1981和扎哈美猛水蚤Ameira zahaae Karanovic&Cho,2012,分别隶属于矩头猛水蚤科Tetragonicipitidae Lang,1948和美猛水蚤科Ameiridae Boeck,1865。其中,濑户叶足猛水蚤目前仅在砂质潮间带环境中发现。扎哈美猛水蚤与韩国海域发现的种形态基本一致。
Two species Phyllopodopsyllus setouchiensis Kitazima, 1981 and Ameira parvula(Claus, 1866) were recognized and described morphologically for the first time from China seas based on specimens obtained from the intertidal zone of Pingdao Island, Jiangsu province, in May 2008. The specimens were extracted from benthic samples using centrifugation flotation. The two species are belonging to the family Tetragonicipitidae Lang, 1948; and Ameiridae Boeck, 1865, respectively. The species P. setouchiensis was found inhabiting in the intertidal zone of sandy sediment only; and A. zahaae is similar to those recorded in South Korean waters.