提出了高残值易腐性产品的概念以及特征,并建立了以高残值易腐性产品为显著特征的、具有市场分销、产品回收、再制造功能的闭环物流网络规划模型。在此网络规划模型中创新地加入与产品的市场生命周期时间长度相关的一个参数,使得闭环物流网络能体现不同产品品种在不同生命周期长度下的整体优化。该网络规划除了能指导整个配送网络的优化,提高整个网络的柔性,还能获得不同产品品种的以成本最低为目标下的最优回收率。最后利用LINGO 8.0为该数学模型编写求解程序,并使用一个数值实例进行模型分析,对模型结论进行验证。
This paper gives the concept and characteristics of high-salvage perishable products. Based on the research of close-loop network design, considering the distribution, reverse logistics and remanufacturing,a network model of high-salvage and perishable products is built, and a different parameter which is related the life cycle period of different product line is given, which can influent the optimization model. The result also can be used in the distribution network optimization,and improve the flexibility of network. Besides, the model can optimize the return rate of multi-item products, based on criterion of cost minimization. Finally, a number case is solved with the software of LINGO 8.0,and the research result is proved by using the numerical analysis.