基于并行应用支撑软件框架JASMIN的辐射流体与粒子输运耦合程序RHSn2D,采用最小邦元固定处理器数目的并行策略,计算实际模型的并行规模扩展至8 192核,并行效率约为16%.集成程序时间分析,验证软件框架底层MPI并行环境聚合通信对于并行优化算法(尤其是辐射流体计算时间)的影响.
Invariable processor in a minimum federal algorithm is applied to RHSn2 D program,which is a multi-physics composition program such as radiation hydrodynamics and particle transport based on parallel software infrastructure JASMIN. With improvement of parallel algorithm,RHSn2 D program achieves parallel efficiency of 16% with 8 192 processors for real models. Time analysis of integrated program demonstrates that perfermance of MPI collective communications in parallel software infrastructure decides computing time of radiation hydrodynamics with parallel algorithm.