提出了一种并行化LSB(Parallel Least Significant Bit)算法,实现了二维码图像水印的嵌入、提取.对待处理图像数据进行分块并利用Open MP的编译制导指令进行任务分担,实现了运算过程的并行化.该方法嵌入水印的二维码图像具有较好的防伪验证功能,而且适合以电子形式保存,并行化处理方法较传统串行算法可缩短1/3左右的时间.
A Parallel Least Significant Bit(PLSB) algorithm is proposed, which realizes the embedding and ex-tracting of the QR code watermark. The image data is divided into blocks and the tasks are shared by the com-piling and guiding instruction of Open MP, which realizes the parallelization of computing process. The QR codeimage embedded in the watermark method has a better security verification function and is suitable for saving inthe electronic form. The time cost of the parallel processing method is about 1/3 less than that of the traditionalserial algorithm.