Based on community investigation on karst hills of Guilin,and used two-way indicator species a- nalysis (TWINSPAN) and detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA) to quantify classification and ordination of Fengshui woods communities on karst hills of Guilin, we explored the relationships be- tween plant communities’ distribution and environmental factors. The results showed as below.(1)domi- nant species of tree layer of Fengshui woods communities are mainly Cyclobalanopsis glauca ,Croton xiao- padou , Canthium dicoccurn , Cinnarnornurn saxatile , Mallotus philippensis , Sinosideroxylon peduncula- turn, Sapiurn rotundi foliurn , Albizia lealleora , Loropetalurn chinense , Pittosporurn planilobum ; Dominant species of shrub layer are mainly Bauhinia charnpionii , Decasperrnurn esquirolii , Alchornea trewioides , Sageretia rugosa ,Millettia cinerea , J asrninurn seguinii , Millettia pulchra ;Dominant species of herbaceous layer are mainly Carex tristachya , Teucriurn pernyi , Onychiurn japonicurn ,Ophiopogon platyphyllus. (2) 29 Fengshui woods plots were classified into 8 different association types. Both TWINSPAN and DCCA made the consistent results. DCCA ordination preferably reflected the ecological relation between the com- munity types and environmental factors. (3)The axis 1 of DCCA mainly reflected the change law of slope aspect. From left to right of the figure of the DCCA ordination, there had the transition of slope aspect from shady slope to south-facing slope,along with the light intensity and dry-hot habitat strengthened,and the altitude gradually reduced. The axis 2 mainly stood for the change of the slope degree and slope position,the slope degree was steeper, and the slope position had the transition from downslope to upslope, along with the rock bare rate increased. (4)The changes of slope aspect and slope degree were the mainly ecologi-cal factors which influenced the heterogeneity of Fengshui woods structure and distribution on karst hills of Guilin.