The academic circles mainly hold two viewpoints on the subsistence mode of Hongshan Culture:one considers the proportion of agriculture in the late period of Hongshan Culture did not rise to the domi‐nated position of the economy ,and the forms of economy should belong to the type ,w hich consist of agri‐culture ,fishing and hunting ;the second opinion is that agricultural economy of Hongshan Culture in the posterior time has substituted the hunting and gathering economy completely and occupies a leading posi‐tion .On the basis of existing archaeological data and floatation results ,the subsistence mode of the Hong‐shan Culture is formed by agriculture ,fishing ,hunting ,and gathering .In addition ,the handicraft indus‐try in the economic structure of Hongshan Culture has been specialized gradually ,w hich becomes a sign that Hongshan Culture has stepped on the stage of complex society .The social management ,from the point of view of the management mode ,is theocratic management mode ,w hich is different from the king‐ship management mode in the Central Plains region ;the management system includes hierarchical manage‐ment ,partition management and group management .Economic diversity and perfect social management system contribute the Hongshan Culture to developing sustainably in a prolong perspective and eventually gave birth to the spark of the civilization .