Fishing net and geotextile, together with the Ahernanthera philoxeroides, named as the compos- ite ecological enclosure, was constructed in drinking water source to intercept the algea and decrease the algea density within water source. The water quality was also improved by the absorption and interception by Alternan- thera philoxeroides and the degradation by biofilms attached on the encloure media. As the enclosure constructed, the average suspended particulate content was decreased by 29.8 %, and the water transparency (Secchi depth) was improved by 27.5%. The algea interception effect showed the chlorophyll a was removed by 23.0%, as well as 20.7% for total algea density. By analysis of the composition of algea colony, the blue - green algea was more effectively intercepted than total algea, which means the selective removel effect on the algea interception. The improvement effects on nutrients removel were mainly on particulate matter. The removel efficiency of particulate nitrogen and phosphorus was 48.4% and 31.3%, respectively.