Soil samples from the second phase of the Shunshanji Site are analyzed by using phytolith method. The result shows that the climate fluctuated during the Phase Ⅱ in a cold-warm-cold mode reflected by the assemblage of phytoliths of which the cold-type had advantage in the early period while the warm-type increased rapidly in the later period. Double-peak type phytoliths origined from rice husk are very abundant compared with those from rice leaf and that might seem to be associated with the source and the utilization of rice of the settlement. The assemblage and change of the rice-original phytolith reveal that evolution of rice-a- gricuhure was not going on a linear expansion pattern in the Phase Ⅱ and declined along with the climate which getting warmer. The ancestors of the Shunshanji Site had a variety of livelihood strategies as they had lived in a resident life, though the proportion of rice was low in the food-structure. The evolution of the utiliza- tion of rice should be the adaptive adjustment made by the people according to the change of environment, so- ciety and culture as well as population migration.