Based on fluid inclusion study, this paper made further discussions on the source of ore-forming materials and ore genesis of the Dexing porphyry copper deposit, Jiangxi Province. On the basis of optical observations, six different types of fluid and silicate melt inclusions in quartz phenocrysts and quartz veins were recognized, liquid+vapor, liquid-rich, low-salinity inclusions; liquid+vapor, vapor-rich, lowsalinity inclusions; halite-bearing multiphase, hypersalinity inclusions; CO2-bearing inclusions; melt-fluid inclusions that contain one or more crystalline phases and vapor; Melt inclusions consist of a cluster of small crystals, partially devitrified glass. The high-salinity, halite-bearing inclusions and vapor-rich inclusions are common in quartz phenocrysts and early veins and characterize the early high-salinity and high-temperature of magmatic fluid. The fluid and melt inclusions in the quartz phenocrysts and veins in granodiorite porphyry and in the quartz of ore-bearing quartz veins contain a triangular opaque phase, identified as the phase of chalcopyrite using Raman spectroscopy. As these inclusions were formed from magmatic fluids before the incursion of wallrock-sourced meteoric fluids into the pluton, the metals in the inclusions could not have been derived by leaching of wallrocks by meteoric fluids. Although meteoric fluids play an important role in the genesis of the porphyry copper deposit by cooling and diluting the magmatic fluid, the wallrock-derived fluids may not have contributed significant metals to the ore system.