Using the "Winter Wheal-Summer Maize" model and the plot runf moniloring method, we sludied file thaaterislies of nitrogen and phosphorus loss in the soil sedimenl of purple sloping filrmland under five conditions, inluding cmtrol, combined manure/fertilizer alplicaion, chemical fertilizer, high intensity hemical fertilizer, and cross ridge farming. The resuhs shwed thai the nutrient content of the surface soil increased, to some exlent. urthermqre, Iht intlrienls were tithed in the sediment for all groups. The degree of sedimenl nutrient enrichment of chess ridge larming was less great ompared lt longitudinal farming. For the combined manure/fertilizer application, the ralio of effective nutrients was larger than that of total nutrients; whereas, for the chemical tertilizer group, the ,'atio of effective nutrients was significanlly smaller. At all tertilization levels, sediment loss only accounted for 0.34% - 6.21%. 78.80%- 84.83% of the total phosphorus loss. occurred in the sediment, and the phosphorus loss was largely in the sediment. The relative loss factor of nitrogen was the largest for the cheroical ferlilizer group, followed by the cross ridge farming group, the high intensity chemical firlilizer group, and the combined manurefrtilizer applieation group. The relalive loss faclor of thosphorus was the largesl for the high intensity chemical fertilizer group, followed by the cross ridge farming group, the chemical ferlilizer group, and the combined manure/fertilizer applieation group.