In this paper, the farm ers’ cognition of agricultural environm ental pollution has been evaluatedbased on the data collected from planting farm ers in Fuling D istrict of Chongqing and farm ers! adoption behaviorof clean production technology and the influencing factors by using the m ultivariate probit regressionmodel also been analyzed. T he results show that farm ers have certain cognition on clean productiontechnologies, but the farm ers’ level of adopting clean production technologies is relatively low. T he im portantinfluencing factors which affect the farm ers! behavior include their age, their education, w hether beingvillage leaders or n o t, their risk preference for technologies, the m ain source of fam ily incom e, the num berof agricultural labor, total agricultural fam ily incom e and planting scale. T herefore, it is a necessity tokeep the training and publicity of agricultural technologies system atic and consecutive and put em phasis tow atching the scene and the field experim ent guidance so as to im prove the level of farm ers’ adoption ofcleaner production technologies and speed of its diffusion.