针对容量有限的透明IP over WDM网络模型,该文提出一种基于路径的整数线性规划(ILP)方法来优化网络的能耗。相对基于连接的整数线性规划方法,该方法可以在光层提供更多的路径选择组合。仿真结果显示,基于路径的整数线性规划方法能够通过选择更优的光路组合进一步降低网络的能耗。
A path basedInteger Linear Programming(ILP) method is proposed to optimize the network energy consumption under the bandwidth constrained transparent IP over WDM network model. Compared with the link based ILP method, this method can provide more lightpath combinations in the optical layer. The simulation results show that the path based ILP method can select the better lightpath combinations than the link based ILP method, and achieve lower network energy consumption.