研究晚白垩世以来蒙山的抬升对全面认识鲁西隆起区的构造演化具有重要的意义。对采自蒙山山脉的6个岩石样品进行了磷灰石/锆石裂变径迹测年及热历史模拟分析。分析结果表明蒙山自晚白垩世开始快速抬升,经历了70~43 Ma和32~20 Ma两个快速抬升阶段,并且蒙山的抬升表现出加速抬升的特征。晚白垩世以来蒙山的快速抬升与其毗邻的泰山有着较好的对应关系,蒙山的整体抬升略早于泰山,并且鲁西隆起的抬升表现出由南向北的抬升序列。蒙山的两期快速抬升事件很好地对应了济阳坳陷在这两个时期经历的构造沉降和区域隆升过程,表明新生代蒙山的快速抬升与济阳坳陷的构造演化有着良好的隆拗耦合关系。
Study on exhumation/uplifting of the Mengshan Mountain since the Late Cretaceous is important for the comprehensive understanding of tectonic evolution of the Western Shandong Rise.Six adamellite samples from the Mengshan Mountain were systematically collected to carry out apatite/zircon fission track dating and time-temperature thermal history modeling.The results indicate that the Mengshan Mountain experienced a relatively rapid exhumation/uplifting since the Late Cretaceous.Two rapid upliftings occurred during 70~43 Ma and 32~20 Ma with an accelerated process.The rapid uplifting events of the Menshan Mountain since the Late Cretaceous were slightly earlier than that of the Taishan Mountain(northern Mengshan Mountain)and coupled well with it on the whole.The uplifting polarity of the Western Shandong Rise was formed from south to north considering its half-graben structural style.The two uplifting periods of the Mengshan Mountain were consistent with two distinct subsidence/cooling processes occurred in the Jiyang Depression adjacent to the Western Shandong Rise.There is a good uplifting/subsiding coupling relationship between the rapid uplifting of the Mengshan Mountain and the subsidence of the Jiyang Depression.