The age model of Core BR07 is reconstructed based on the comparisons of diatom distributions and color parameters of the sediments between Cores BS--4 and BR07, both collected from the northern continental slope of the Bering Sea. According to this age model, the deposition ages of Core BR07 range from 1.9 to 11.3 kaBP, with an average sedimentation rate of 28.5 cm/ka which is slightly lower than that of Core B5--4. A sea-ice proxy, de fined as the ratio of Fragilariopsis cylindrus content to (F. cylindrus content--Neodenticula serninae content), is proposed to reconstruct the historic climate record of sea-ice changes over the last 10 ka. Three cold events (inclu- ding the Younger Dryas cold event) as well as one warm event since the last deglacial period have been detected in the core. The reconstructed time span of the Younger Dryas cold event in Core BR07 is 11.3N 10.7 ka BP, close to its correspondent of 12.9N 11.6 ka BP from Greenland ice cores, further confirming that it is more reliable than the age generated from the radiocarbon dating of the bulk sediment organic carbon.