多相分散体系中气泡/液滴聚并和破碎过程的模拟对于过程工业中离散相粒径分布的调控具有极为重要的意义。群平衡模型(population balance model,PBM)是模拟离散相聚并和破碎的常用方法。然而由于多相分散体系的复杂性,PBM中现有的聚并和破碎模型通常基于现象模型、统计分析、经验关联式或半理论半经验方法,尚未有模型能够全面地考虑流场和物性对聚并或破碎过程的物理约束,从而使准确预测各类工况的聚并与破碎现象成为挑战性的课题。本文总结了目前针对气-液/液-液体系破碎和聚并过程的机理分析、主流模型、群平衡方程的求解方法以及PBM在气-液和液-液体系中的应用,并评述了各种模型的研究现状和未来发展方向。
Modeling of breakage and coalescence of dispersed phases such as bubbles or droplets in multiphase systems is of paramount importance to the control of the dispersed phase size distribution in process industry. Population balance model (PBM) has become a rountine tool to simulate the breakage, coalescence and size distribuiton of dispersed phase. However, the current kernel functions for breakage and coalescence in PBM are either derived from statistical models or based on some phenomenological models, empirical correlations or semi- theoretical methods, since the physics of breakage and coalescence in multi-phase systems is complex. As a result, few models could completely considers all of the physical constraints relevant to the complex flow field and material properties, and it is still a challenging issue to accurately predict the breakage and coalescence for different operating conditions. This article gives a systematic overview of the mechanisms and models about the breakage and coalescence of bubbles or droplets, and the numerical algothirm for population balance equations as well as the application of PBM simulation in gas-liquid or liquid-liquid systems. Finally, the state-of-the-art and future development of PBM are analyzed.