Six ichnogenera and nine ichnospecies are reported and described from the Early Triassic Jialingjiang Formation in Huangshi of Hubei, central China. These race fossils, including Helminthopsis abeli , Palaeophycus tubularis , Palaeophycus cf. heberti, Phycodes palrnatus , Planolites beverleyensis , Planolites ichnosp. 1, Planolites ichnosp. 2, Rhizocoralliurn cf. jenense,Scalarituba cf. rnissouriensis, are designated to be Cruziana ichnofacies. According to the trace fossils and physical sedimentary characteristics of the first and third members of the Jialingjiang Formation, it can be inferred that sedimentary environments underwent changes from the tidal flat to neritic shelf to evaporating tidal flat. The present study demonstrates that similarities in both features and evolution of trace fosslis among the Sinan-Cambrian, Late Devonian Frasnian-Famennian and Early Triassic, may be related to phylogenetic evolution between biology and environment .