Nutrition released from sediment in the estuary of branch bay in stream-type reservoir will raise the risk of eutrophication and algae bloom with the dispatching of reservoir. The sediments in the estuary of Xiangxi River Bay was sampled, with simulation of disturbance of dispatching in laboratory to study the effect of algae exterior-absorption resource, disturbance and concentration profile between interface of sediment and overlying water on the nutrient release. Results showed that disturbance and algae exterior-adsorption resource would accelerate the release rate and quantity. Disturbance had less impact on the release of phosphorus than concentration profile between interfaces of sediment and overlying water, inversely, the impact of disturbance on the release of nitrogen was better than that of the concentration profile. Content of phosphorus released from sediment would increase with the risen of concentration profile, while the content of nitrogen release had little correlation with concentration profile between interface of sediment and overlying water. Flood discharge of Three Gorges Reservoir, formation of algae bloom and reproduction of algae will accelerate the release of nutrient from the sediment to water body in Xiangxi River Bay.