S781 white paints were irradiat in order to elucidate more definitely the ZnO-pigmented white paints. After proto lar absorptance was measured in situ. Th ed with 150 irradiation keV protons in a lated space environment, damage and optical degradation mechanisms n irradiations, the degradation in spectral refle e interaction between the protons and S781 whi ctance and te paints, for so- and the irradiation-induced defects, were also studied through simulations and photoluminescence. The re- sults show that the zinc vacancies in the 1-- charge state are due to the ionization of the ZnO pig- ments, and are responsible for the b band absorption and optical degradation. Furthermore, this work also supports the first-principles results of considering zinc vacancies as the defects responsible for the green luminescence band from ZnO.