Recommending the ideal hotel for tourists, this is one of the means to ensure the quality of tourism.The normalized hotel factor, tourist factor and evaluation factor,were firstly obtained by using the formal method to quantify and normalize the tourists, hotels and evaluation with multiple attributes.Then,a partial weighting function was defined to calculate the degree of partial recommendation, with the factor of the hotels, tourists and evaluation together to build a triple-dimensional tensor based on 4-tuples relation model including hotel, tourist, evaluation and degree of recommendation, using the degree of recommendation as tensor elements.Finally,a decomposition algorithm based on Tucker was proposed to achieve tourism hotel partial recommendation by tourists classified in a higher-sparse 4-tuples relation data set.Experiments show that the triple-dimensional tensor mode and the algorithm can achieve high accuracy for tourist hotel recommendation in higher sparse regional data set, it is based on personal preferences of tourists to get personalized hotel recommended to find a new way to improve the quality of tourism.