文化产业发展深刻影响城市经济转型和空间重构过程。国内对文化企业微观区位及政府作用的研究仍显薄弱,基于苏州老城区1 661家文化企业分布信息,综合运用核密度估计、Moran’s I指数等方法,分析文化企业空间演化过程。结果表明,在文化产业发展利好政策干预下,苏州老城区文化企业数量显著增长,行业结构由传统媒体娱乐行业独大转向均衡化发展;文化产业集聚特征明显但整体集聚程度下降,呈现由向古城集聚转为向古城外扩散的趋势;微区位上,文化企业向主要道路沿线和文化产业园区集聚,但不同行业的集聚模式存在差异。影响机理分析表明市场是影响微观文化企业区位选择的基础力量,政府干预降低企业选择特定地价圈层区位的成本并提高其隐形效益,改变了市场机制作用下企业区位选择的成本-效益权衡,从而影响企业的区位决策,引致文化产业空间格局演化。
The significance of cultural industries in promoting industrial upgrading and spatial restructuring is highlighted. Current studies have focused on spatial pattern of cultural industries. However, little attention has been paid to the role of government in shaping the spatial distribution of cultural industries from the perspective of micro-location. Taking the old urban district of Suzhou as an example, this study explores the spatial distribution of cultural industries and its mechanism, especially the role of government. On the basis of the spatial information of 1 661 cultural enterprises in the year of 2012,this research uses kernel density analysis and Moran's Index analysis based on the software of Arc GIS10.0 as research methods. Results show that, after a series of incentive policies, the number of cultural enterprises has increased rapidly, and the structure of cultural industries has turned into equalization development. It also finds that after aggregating inside the ancient city of Suzhou,cultural enterprises subsequently began to diffuse to the outside of the ancient city of Suzhou,especially after the year of 2008. Nonetheless, cultural enterprises are still mainly concentrated in the old urban district, reflecting the essential distribution pattern of agglomeration of cultural industries.Specially, cultural enterprises tend to agglomerate along main streets and in Cultural Industry Park. The agglomeration degree of cultural industries varies from sector to sector. Market mechanism is the basic force that shapes the spatial pattern and its evolution of cultural industries. The location decisions of cultural enterprises are primarily determined by the cost-benefits, but state action can change these cost-benefits trade-offs of enterprises through providing subsidies to improve the benefits and reducing the rent of specific sites. Government behaviors intervene in the location decisions of cultural industries and change the spatial pattern shaped by market mechanism.