对同一网络斑块中金堇蛱蝶(Euphydryas aurinia)和大网蛱蝶(Meihaea phoebe)雌性成虫的产卵地进行了调查,以确定影响它们斑块质量的因素.结果表明,2种网蛱蝶雌性成虫均选择体积大的寄主植物、周围植被高度低、开放的区域产卵,它们的卵块主要分布在温暖向阳的坡面.金堇蛱蝶的卵块距离农田边缘为3.55±0.33m(n=246),且集中分布在〈3m区域内;大网蛱蝶卵块距离农田边缘为7.34±1.53m(n=25),但在〈3m区域内的数量少.研究表明,由于这2种网蛱蝶雌性成虫对产卵地要求的特异性,评价它们斑块质量以及对其制定保护管理措施时均应有所不同。
In this study, the oviposition sites of Euphydryas aurinia and Meiltaea phoebe adult females in the same habitat network were investigated, aimed to identify the factors affecting the patch quality. The results showed that the egg-laying females of both melitaeine butterfly species preferred to oviposit in the open areas with large-sized host plants and surrounded by short vegetations, especially on warm and sunny slopes. For E. aurinia, most of its egg clusters were concentrated within the area less than 3 m to the edge of cropland, and the average distance from each egg cluster to the edge of nearest cropland was 3.55 ± 0. 33 m ( n = 246) ; but for M. phoebe, a few of its egg clusters distributed in the area less than 3 m to the edge, and the average distance was 7.43 ± 1.53 m ( n = 25 ). It was suggested that the criteria to evaluate the patch quality and the conservation strategies for the two butterfly species should be different, due to their special habitat requirements of ovipositing females.