Cyanogen (C2N2 ) is a new type of fumigant that has the potential to replace methyl bromide. So it is of important significance to ascertain the behaviour of C2N2 in adsorption and transformation in soil for its safety application. Adsorption and transformation of C2N2 in soil was investigated using the static method under controlled conditions. C2N2 adsorption rates in soil was related with physieoehemical properties of the soil, and slightly related with the ambient tem- perature, the soil water content and soil organisms, but not related with the application rate of the fumigant. C2 N2 adsorp-tion rate and its possible transformation products ( HCN, NH4+ , NO3- and NO2- ) were determined using the gas chromatog- raphy (GC) coupled with a nitrogen-phosphorus detector (NPD) and the flow injection analyzer (FIA) with a Photomet- ric detector. Results show that the soil had a very high C2N2 adsorption capacity with a rate being over 75% within 2 h of fumigation and over 98% within 24 b. The absorbed C2N2 could be quickly transformed, about 13% into HCN, and 20% into NH4+ and NO3-. No NO2- was detected within 48 h. HCN in soil was not stable and could be further transformed into other nitrogenous compounds.