降水异例的空间模式用分级从自然档案从中国历史的文件和 22 降水代理系列盖住 48 个车站的数据集的干 / 湿在 691720, 12311260, 17411770, 19211950,和 19812000 的五个 30 年的温暖的时期期间被调查。它被发现北方中国平原(约 35 东亚(20 ? 蚈迥? 諥 ? 髧钰韦吗??
The spatial patterns of precipitation anomalies during five 30-yr warm periods of 691-720, 1231-1260, 1741-1770, 1921-1950, and 1981-2000 were investigated using a dryness/wetness grading dataset covering 48 stations from Chinese historical documents and 22 precipitation proxy series from natural archives. It was found that the North China Plain (approximately 35~-40~N, east of 105~E) was dry in four warm periods within the centennial warm epochs of 600-750, the Medieval Warm Period (about 900-1300) and after 1900. A wet condition prevailed over most of China during 1741-1770, a 30-yr warm peak that occurred during the Little Ice Age (about 1650-1850). The spatial pattern of the precipitation anomaly in 1981-2000 over East China (25~-40~N, east of 105~E) is roughly consistent with that in 1231 1260, but a difference in the precipitation anomaly appeared over the Tibetan Plateau. The spatial patterns of the precipitation anomalies over China varied between all five 30-yr warm periods, which implies that the matching pattern between temperature and precipitation change is multiform, and the precipitation anomaly could be positive or negative when a decadal warm climate occurs in different climate epochs. This result may provide a primary reference for the mechanism detection and climate simulation of the precipitation anomaly of the future warm climate.