大豆异黄酮育种与大豆制品加工研究需要进行大批量样品12种异黄酮组分的快速定量分析。在前人研究基础上利用Agilent 1100高效液相色谱(HPLC)系统,以大豆品种南农95C-13为材料,研究大豆苷元、大豆苷、乙酰基大豆苷、丙二酰基大豆苷、染料木苷元、染料木苷、乙酰基染料木苷、丙二酰基染料木苷、黄豆苷元、黄豆苷、乙酰基黄豆苷、丙二酰基黄豆苷等12种标准品外标法快速定量技术。从样品制备与色谱条件对分析12种异黄酮组分的准确度和分离度入手,确定分析流程,以(科丰1号×南农1138-2)的184个重组自交系(NJRIKY)为材料,研究豆腐加工中总量和各组分的变化特点。(1)样品以80%甲醇水溶液50℃超声1 h提取;色谱条件为,检测波长254 nm,柱温36℃,流速2.0 mL min^-1,进样量10μL,流动相0.1%(V/V)乙酸水溶液(A)和100%甲醇(B),02 min,27%B(V/V)→2-3 min,27%-38%B→310 min,38%B→1012 min,38%-39%B→1214 min,39%B→1415 min,39-27%B梯度洗脱;在15 min内将12个组分良好分离,各组分峰面积与其相应浓度均呈良好线性关系(R^2为0.99760.9999);加标回收率均大于99%,变异系数低于2%。(2)NJRIKY群体籽粒、豆乳、豆腐异黄酮总量和组分的大量分析验证了HPLC快速技术的效果。籽粒异黄酮总含量(3 695.00μg g^-1)在豆乳加工中平均85.15%转入豆乳(3 146.12μg g^-1),14.85%(548.88μg g^-1)进入豆渣。传统豆腐加工通过硫酸钙絮凝,只有17.32%(639.89μg g^-1)转入豆腐,67.83%(2 506.23μg g^-1)留在黄浆水中。豆乳中12种组分含量比籽粒中稍低,均以丙酰基染料木苷含量最高;而豆腐中乙酰基染料木苷和乙酰基黄豆苷缺失,以染料木苷元与大豆苷元含量较高。大豆科丰1号与南农1138-2杂交重组后家系间的异黄酮遗传变异增大,增加了对其遗传改良的潜力。
A rapid,precise,and stable quantifying method of isoflavone components is the key to quality soy-food processing and genetic improvement of quality soybeans.A quick procedure used Agilent 1100 high performance liquid chromatograph(HPLC) system with the diode array detection(DAD) and Zorbax SB-C18 packed column(5 μm,4.6 ID × 150 mm) using external standards of isoflavone components,including daidzein,daidzin,6"-O-acetyldaidzin,6"-O-malonyldaidzin,genistein,genistin, 6"-O-acetylgenistin,6"-O-malonylgenistin,glycitein,glycitin,6"-O-acetylglycitin and 6"-O-malonylglycitin was established for measuring the 12 isoflavones in soybean seeds and its processing products.The procedure includes the following key points:80% methanol aqueous solution under ultrasonication for 1 h at 50℃ was chosen;for separation of the 12 isoflavone components within 15 min,the mobile phase of 0.1% acetic acid(V/V) aqueous solvent A and 100% methanol solvent B with the flow rate of 2.0 mL min^-1,injection volume at 10 μL,column temperature at 36℃ and detection wavelength at 254 nm were selected;and the linear gradient extraction of 0-2 min,27% B(V/V)→2-3 min,27-38% B→3-10 min,38% B→10-12 min,38-39% B→12-14 min,39% B→14-15 min,39%-27% B was adopted.The procedure was linear(R^2 = 0.9976-0.9999),precise(CV or RSD ranged from 0.90% to 3.35% for 2 232 samples from NJRIKY),accurate [recoveries were more than 99.00% for the different concentrations of the 12 isoflavones(CV of 0.22%-1.40%)],robust(inter-day CV of 0.24%-3.95%) and rapid(less than 15 min for 12 isoflavones resolved).The procedure was verified to be effective by a large sample determination of isoflavone components in soybean seed,soymilk and tofu using the soybean population of NJRIKY.The data indicated that the isoflavones were 3 695.00 μg g^-1 in seed,among them 14.85%(548.88 μg g^-1) were transferred to the residual,85.15%(3 146.12 μg g^-1) to soymilk,but only 17.32%(639.89 μg g^-1) to tofu while 6