microRNAs(miRNAs) are endogenous non-coding small RNAs that interact with their mRNAs by degrading or inhibiting translation of the targets, Up to date, there is still no low-cost and effective miRNA target screening method because the regulatory mechanisms are complex. In recent years, some investigators built several computational methods based on sequence complementarity of the miRNA and the mRNAs. However, the results are various out of different algorithms and have huge rate of false positives, which caused great troubles in down- stream experiments. Therefore, methods of using the expression values of miRNAs and mRNAs to refine the re- suits has been proposed, which have shown to effectively identifying the most prominent interactions. Here, we summarized these methods that combining both miRNA expression values and mRNA expression values and to predict miRNA targets, outlined the advantages and disadvantages of different methods, and provided directions for fu-ture investigation.