为了产生性能良好的伪噪声(PN)序列,提出了一种超混沌伪噪声比特序列发生器的设计与实现方法。设计中利用一个新的连续超混沌系统作为PN序列的随机信号源,建立了连续系统的离散和量化数学模型,在Simulink平台上借助于DSP Builder里的模块构建了该离散化模型的电路模型,利用FPGA芯片在实验中获得了数字混沌PN序列。同时对产生的PN序列进行了性能评估,其结果通过了5个基本测试标准。该技术可应用于混沌通信、信息加密等领域。
This paper presents a method of designing and realizing hyperchaotic pseudo - Noise bits generator to generate good Pseudo - Noise (PN) sequence. This design uses a novel continuous hyperehaotic system as random seed generator and the discrete and quantized mathematical models of the system are given. Based on the platform of Matlab/Simulink,a circuit module of the hyperchaotic discrete system is constructed by using the DSP Builder. Then an experimental PN sequence is obtained by using the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Furthermore, the proposed PN sequence generator is subjected to five basic statistical tests and successfully passes all five basic statistical tests. This technology can be applied in chaotic communication,information encryption and so on.