通过分析在夏季强雷暴活动频繁的山东滨州地区连续4年人工触发闪电实验中所获得的闪电回击通道底部电流资料,结果表明人工触发闪电回击峰值电流几何平均值为14.6 kA,电流波形10%—90%上升时间和30%—90%上升时间的几何平均值分别为2.3μs和1.8μs,相应上升陡度分别为4.7 kA/μs和4.4 kA/μs.波形半峰值宽度的几何平均值为17μs,回击1 ms内转移电荷量的几何平均值为1.2 C,回击电流作用积分的几何平均值为6.1×10^3A2s.对比研究表明回击峰值电流与接地状况、回击电流波形的上升时间以及半峰值宽度之间没有明显相关性,但与电流波形上升陡度以及回击1 ms之内转移电荷量之间存在相关性,回击峰值电流(Ip)与回击1 ms内转移电荷量(Q)之间满足关系式:Ip=14.1Q^0.69.通过与自然闪电放电参数的对比分析表明,人工触发闪电回击过程与自然地闪放电的继后回击过程相似.
Artificially triggered lightning experiments were carried out at Binzhou,Shandong Province,China during summer form 2005 to 2008.The discharge current at the channel base of triggered lightning were measured.The geometric mean value of the peak current for 21 negative return strokes was 14.6kA,the geometric mean of the 10%—90% risetime was 2.3μs,the geometric mean of the half peak width was 17 μs and the geometric mean of the charge transfer within 1ms of return strokes was (1.2C.) There was essentially no correlation between the return stroke peak current and 10%—90% risetime or between return stroke peak and the width of the current waveform at half of its peak value.No dependence of peak current on grounding resistance was found either.There is correlation between return stroke current peak and charge transfer within 1ms after return stroke initiation,and the correlation between return stroke peak and the stepness of the front waveform of return stroke was also found.Compare the parameters of the triggered lightning with natural cloud to ground lightning,it was found that the triggered lightning stroke is similar to subsequent stroke of natural lightning.So the results of triggered lightning can be used to the lighting protection.