随机数在密码学、保密通信和国家安全等领域具有重要的作用,因此寻求一种提高随机数测试通过率的方法具有重要意义.对美国NIST SP800—22测试标准中的部分测试标准进行了分析,并针对其中的单比特频数测试、游程测试、块内最大游程测试以及子块测试分别给出了其物理意义和改进随机数发生器性能的硬件措施.
Random numbers play an important role in cryptography, secret communications and national security. So it is highly significant to seek a method that can improve the pass rate of random testing. In this paper, parts of standards of random testing that NIST publishes are analyzed. For frequency test, runs test, test for the longest run of ones in a block and serial test, physical meaning and a new method of hardware improvement of random number generator are proposed respectively.