对白符[虫兆](Folsomia candida)胚胎发育全过程进行显微观察,记述了白符[虫兆]从卵裂、囊胚期、原肠期、组织分化期、孵化前期等不同发育阶段的形态变化和发育过程。其结果表明,白符[虫兆]卵为聚产,形成大小不等的卵块,卵初产时为乳白色,卵壳表面覆盖有细密的颗粒状突起,直径为110-126μm。随着白符[虫兆]发育的进行,胚膜直径增大到180-185μm,其卵裂方式为完全均等卵裂,整个胚胎发育历期7-10d。
Embryonic development of Folsomia candida was investigated by light microscope. The morphological changes and developmental course of cleavage, blastula, gastrula, tissue differentiation and the stage before hatching were observed. The results indicated that the eggs of F. candida were laid together in small patches. The fresh eggs were milk white in color and had a diameter of 110- 126μm. The surface of the egg shells were covered with fine granules. At the end of the embryonic development, the diameter of embryo membranes reached to 180 - 185μm. The cleavage form of F. candida is holoblastic. The whole embryo development of F. candida spans 7 - 10 days.