记述中国灰尺蛾亚科尘尺蛾属(Hypomecis Hbner,1821)2新记录种:滇尘尺蛾(H.lioptilaria Swin-hoe,1903)和临沧尘尺蛾(H.glochinophora Prout,1925)。对上述2种成虫的外部形态和雄性生殖器特征做了简要描述,同时对我国尘尺蛾属(Hypomecis)已知种类进行了整理修订。研究标本均保存于东北林业大学林学院昆虫标本室。
Two species of Hypomecis,H. lioptilaria (Swinhoe,1903) and H. glochinophora (Prout,1925) were firstly reported from China. The adults and male genitalia characteristics of the two species were briefly depicted,and all the known species of the genus from China were refined. All the materials examined were deposited in the Insect Collections of Northeast Forestry University in Harbin,China.