目的:探讨积极情绪唤醒水平对不同负荷空间工作记忆的影响。方法:以大学生为被试,以本土化的国际情绪图片(International Affective Picture System,IAPS)来诱发情绪,并采用ERP技术进行修正的延迟样本匹配任务(delayed matching-to-sample,DMS)实验,以分析空间工作记忆在不同程度的积极情绪唤醒条件下的差异。结果:高唤醒积极情绪条件下,延迟阶段慢波波幅降低,匹配阶段早期LPP(Late Positive Potential)升高;而且相对于高负荷,高唤醒积极情绪在低负荷任务中匹配阶段的晚期LPP波幅升高。结论:高唤醒的积极情绪损害了低负荷空间工作记忆,不损害高负荷空间工作记忆,而低唤醒的积极情绪对高、低负荷空间工作记忆没有显著的促进或损害作用。
Objective: The purpose in this study was to explore how spatial working memory is affected by positive emotional arousal in different load conditions. Methods: Using event-related potential technique, we employed a modified delayed matching-to-sample paradigm with the positive and neutral pictures from the localization of the IAPS in healthy undergraduates to assess spatial working memory with different degrees of positive emotional arousal. Results: Compared to the high-load spatial working memory task, it showed lower slow wave in the maintaining phase and higher early Late Positive Potential(LPP) and late LPP in the matching phase with high positive emotion arousal in the low-load spatial working memory task. Conclusion: Our finding suggest that high positive emotional arousal affects low load spatial working memory, but low positive emotional arousal does not significantly affect high load spatial working memory.