对东海原甲藻Prorocentrum donghaiense、海洋原甲藻P.micans、微小原印藻P.minimum、立玛原甲藻P.lima(CCMP1966)四种赤潮生物的18SrDNA进行了PCR扩增和全序列测定及分析,比较了它们的遗传距离和相似系数,获得其18SrDNA序列中的三处高变异区,为设计快速识别原甲藻种间分子探针提供分子依据。同时结合12种具有代表性的重要赤潮甲藻的18SrDNA序列,采用邻接法(Neighbour-Joining,NJ)和最大似然法(Maximum Likelihood,ML)构建系统发育树,研究原甲藻的种间关系和进化地位,结果表明,营底栖生活的P.lima与营浮游生活的P.micans、P.minimum、P.donghaiense为多系起源,浮游型原甲藻与凯伦藻Karenia有更近的起源关系。
The identitication of the 185 rDNA genes sequences of four Prorocentrum species including Prorocentrum donghaiense, P. micans, P. minimum and P. lima(CCMP1966) was reported, and the data for the design of species and genus-specific molecular probes was provided. In addition, some aspects of the phylogeny of these Prorocentrum species were examined. The phylogenetic trees, the NJ tree (Neighbour-Joining tree) and the ML tree (Maximum Likelihood tree), were constructed with 18S rDNA sequences. By these method, the intraspecies relationship and evolution of Prorocentrum were researched. The prorocentrales appeared to have two groups of Prorocentrum spp. The first group included benthic species ( P. lima and P. concavum ) . The second group contained planktonic species ( P. micans , P. minimum and P. donghaiense). This support the hypothesis that the genus Prorocentrum is rather heterogeneous, and the planktonic Prorocentrum species are more closely related to Karenia than other dinoflagellates.