As a kind of unconventional scheduling problem, the earliness and tardiness performance function is not a monotony increasing relation on completion time of every job. Both job sequence and starting time of each operation must be optimized, which increased difficulties in solving this kind of problem. In order to achieve better schedulers for Earliness/Tardiness (ET) problems, a hierarchy scheduling paradigm was introduced and a jointed algorithm to solve problems based on genetic algorithm and heuristic algorithm was advanced. Firstly, the genetic algorithm was used to determine scheduling sequence preference. Secondly, a kind of heuristic algorithm was put forward to adjust the starting time for determined scheduler. Strategy for insertion of equipment idle time was established to define insertion time and idle time length. Performance was measured by the minimization of the weighed sum of E/T penalties of jobs. Numerical calculation results were used to demonstrate feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method by comparing with genetic algorithm method.