图G的Laplace矩阵的谱是由tAG)的所有特征值构成的.研究了一类重要的互连网络拓扑结构折叠立方体网络Qfn的Laplace矩阵的谱.由于折叠立方体QIn是在超立方体Qfn的基础上增加了互补边形成的,利用从Q的Laplace矩阵An构造Qfn的Laplace矩阵Bn的对偶矩阵Cn=Am^n+Im的方法,确定了Bn和Cn的关系为|Bn+1|=|Bn||Cn-4In| ,从而确定了折叠立方体的Laplace矩阵Bn的谱.
The spectra of Laplacian matrix of graph G consist of all eigenvalues of L(G). The Laplace spectra of folded hypercube Qf. are studied, which are important interconnection network topological structure. hypercube of Laplace Bn4-1 I The n dimensional folded hypercube is an undirected graph obtained from n dimensional by adding all complementary edges. By means of Laplacian matrix An of Q., the dual matrix matrix Bn of Qfn is constructed as C =An--12 +L, the relationship between Bn and Cn is Bn I ICn--4I I and the spectra of Laplace matrix B. of Q are obtained.