以尾叶桉为原料,研究了硫酸盐法制浆中液比对后续纸浆洗涤耗水量的影响。通过模拟工业上螺旋挤浆机和三段真空洗浆机相结合的洗涤方式,建立了洗涤耗水量的计算方程;据此,得出了不同液比及终点卡伯值下纸浆洗涤所需的耗水量。结果表明:蒸煮液比每增加0.5个单位,纸浆的吨浆洗涤耗水量则平均下降约1.0-1.5m3;蒸煮终点卡伯值每上升一个单位,则吨浆洗涤耗水量增加0.1-0.2 m3。这对生产过程中根据终点卡伯值的变化及液比的波动来调整洗涤用水量具有一定的指导意义。
This paper reports an investigation of the effect of liquid-to-wood ratio on the delignification in eucalyptus kraft pulping.A pulp washing mode that combined with screw press and vacuum washer was simulated and an equation for estimating the consumption of water was derived.The results showed that there is a decrease(1.0-1.5m3) in water consumption when the liquid-to-wood ratio increases a 0.5 unit.The water consumption can be also reduced 0.1-0.2 m3 if the Kappa number of pulps decreases an one unit.The present work provides a good guidance to mill operation for the process optimization that dealing with pulp Kappa number and water consumption.