目的 对发生在云南省的云南地方性暴发性心肌炎的临床特点进行归纳分析和综述。方法 对1982—2003年发生在云南省的12起中最具代表性的猝死病例及存活疑似病人的症状、体征、异常心电图、X线结果进行系统分析。结果 云南地方性暴发性心肌炎的临床症状不明显,多为突然发病、突然死亡,部分有头昏、头晕、胸闷、心悸等症状;病人多呈贫血貌,体检有心音低钝、心律失常等异常体征;心电图显示以ST—T改变、房室传导阻滞(AVB)、完全性右束支传导阻滞、Q—T间期延长等心肌炎的心电图改变为多,X线摄片部分有心脏扩大。结论 该病符合心肌炎的诊断特点,它的临床特征、防治措施有待于进一步探讨和研究。
Objective To conclude and review the clinical characteristics of endemic fulminant cardiomyopathy in Yunnan Province. Methods The results of the symptom, sign, aberrant electrocardiogram and X -ray of 12 outbreaks of typical sudden death and suspected survivor cases were analyzed systematically in Yunnan Province from 1982 to 2003. Results The endemic fulminant cardiomyopathy in Yunnan Province had clinic symptoms unclearly, mostly occurred suddenly and died suddenly. Some cases had dizzy, palpitant symptoms, stuffy chest, and so on. The patients had mostly anemic appearance and there were cardiac sound low and arrhythmia. It showed that ST - T change, atrioventricular block ( AVB ) , completely right bundle branch block ( RBBB ) and Q - T period and T - period extension by electrocardiogram and heart enlarge by X - ray. Conclusions The disease accords with the case definition of cardiomyopathy, but the clinic characteristics and control measures need further exploration and research.