旅游经济的空间结构对区域内旅游经济协调发展有着重要影响。基于经典引力模型和社会网络理论,对中原经济区内30个地级市相互之间的旅游经济联系进行量化,运用Ucinet 6软件对分析结果做可视化呈现,探讨旅游经济空间结构。结果表明:省域边界等行政性因素是阻碍经济区内旅游经济一体化的重要因素,经济区内旅游经济网络呈现南弱北强的空间不平衡态势,区内旅游经济存在多核心节点城市。为了优化中原经济区旅游经济空间结构,提出消除政策性障碍、协调经济区内旅游经济发展差异、发挥核心城市优势等建议。
Structure of tourist economy would significantly influence the long - distance and coordinated development in a state - level economic zone. Based on classical gravity model and theory of social network, this paper established the relation between one another city in Central Plains Eco- nomic Region (CPER) in order to analyze the structure of tourist economy in this area.The results showed that the administrative division was one of the constraints which remarkably affected the regional integration of CPER, the tourist economy network in southern CPER was much weaker than the northern. There were some multi - core center cities in CPER. At last, some advice for the deeper integration of CPER were proposed : Eliminating the constraints caused by administrative division, coordinating the difference between different cities and taking advantage of core city to promote the de- velopment of lower block and the whole.