针对TCP协议存在的带宽利用不足以及UDP协议传输可靠性差的问题,提出一种基于UDP协议的QRUDP(Quick Reliable UDP)协议。该协议支持数据的可靠传输,同时采用丢包与时延混合的拥塞算法,并用局部最小RTT的算法以准确计算最小RTT的值。仿真实验表明,该协议在高带宽时延积,高误码率的网络环境下能获得更好的性能并具有较好的公平性。
Aiming at the problem of insufficient bandwidth utilization existing in the traditional TCP and UDP protocol transmission in poor reliabili-ty, proposes a QRUDP protocol based on UDP. The protocol supports the reliability of packet transmission, and, it uses packet loss and delay mixed congestion control, and uses local minimum RTT algorithm to calculate the value of minimum accurately. Simulation results show that the protocol can obtain better performance and has better fairness under the high bandwidth, long time delay and large delay jitter network environment.