The community structure and distribution of secondary riparian Bambusa rigida in lowerGongjiang River were studied by the transect sampling method and reverse age-class addition. Thespecies in tree and shrub layers in the riparian B. rigida community had the strong native trait.Along the river gradient, the associated species in tree and shrub layers were fragmented, and associated with shore highland plants, suggesting that their distribution did not meet the RCC theory ofcontinuous riparian law. Plant species in herb layer was in accordance with the RCC law, and thespecies abundance in lower reach was the greatest with 29 families, 55 genera, and 70 species.B. rigida was absolutely dominant in the riparian communities and adapted to the regulation of treedensity and physiological integration. The proliferation ratio of B. rigida rapidly decreased to become stabilized, and the degree of its clump dispersion pattern gradually increased. The averagedensity of secondary riparian B. rigida was 114-141 bamboo trees per clump, and the communitywas in the mid-and late succession stage.