Loess moistening deformation,generally caused by surface water infiltration or the rise of under-ground water level, is a critical technical problem to be solved in geotechnical engineering. The existingconstitutive model can be used to describe loess moistening deformation. However, it is still greatly differ-ent from the acting path of stress and water in actual foundation. This paper introduces the concept of hu-midification level to describe the moisture condition of soil. With stepped wetting tests on original loess,the correlations between soil moistening deformation and moisture condition during wetting process under theaction of stress were analyzed, and the nonlinear constitutive model for loess moistening deformation hasbeen established. The relationship curves of humidification level and the ratio between humidification defor-mation coefficient and collapsibility coefficient are used to reflect the sensitivity of loess moistening deforma-tion. Besides,it also deals with the influence of vertical stress and properties of loess on the sensitivity ofloess moistening deformation. The lateral deformation characteristics in humidifying process are analyzed byadopting humidification levels and lateral deformation relationship curves with different stress ratios.