长柄双花木是一种国家重点保护植物与珍稀植物,年龄判断是其生物生态学研究的基础。本文采用主枝解析法,先建立树高、胸径和年龄的关系,进而编制种群生命表,反应种群存活和死亡过程。结果表明:树高与年龄关系符合Logstic方程H=5.18/(1+17.58e^-0.204t),胸径与年龄关系符合舒马切尔(Schumacher)方程D=16.80e^-27.82/t,长柄双花木属慢生性树种,最大树高生长量为0.26 m·a^-1,最大胸径生长量为0.33 cm·a^-1。官山种群年龄结构不规则,幼树幼苗不多,但其期望寿命较高,达40 a左右,50~60 a种群的死亡率开始增加。这些结果为长柄双花木的年龄判定提供了依据,也初步阐明了种群动态规律。
Disanthus cercidifolius var. longipes is an endemic and endangered plant in China, age defining is foundmental for its bio-ecology research. In this paper, the relationship between height, DBH and age was first established based on data of ramet analysis, and then the population life table was compiled. The results showed that the height and age relationship agreed with the Logstic equation H=5.18/(1+17.58e^-0.204t), DBH and age relationship with Schumacher equation D=16.80e^-27.82/t.This tree is a slow-growing species with maximum height growth of 0.26 m·a^-1, the maximum DBH of 0.33 cm·a^-1. The age structure of population in this region is not regular, the seeding and sapling was relative less but their life expectancy was high, up to about 40 a, ramets of 50~60 a began to fail. The results provided basis for age estimation Disanthus cercidifolius var. longipes, and also shed light on the population dynamics.