虚拟存储管理系统能够根据用户的需要随时在线调整存储卷的容量,而且能够提供快照、在线数据备份等功能,成为存储系统中重要的功能中间件.然而传统的服务器存储管理系统不能适应集群环境下的数据管理,尤其是随着SANs(Storage Area Networks)技术的日益发展与普及,研究集群环境下的虚拟存储系统成为迫切任务.本文通过对虚拟存储技术的研究,提出了集群环境下虚拟存储系统的模型CVM.分析了其中的关键技术.并且给出了一个具体的实现方案和测试结果,结果表明,CVM系统能够有效实现共享存储环境下的虚拟存储管理.同时提供了在线数据备份、数据镜像等功能,具有很好的容错特性,较好实现了集群环境下的共享存储管理.
Virtualization system such as LVM can support online resizing and reconfiguration, snapshot and various RAID levels. But the traditional storage virtualization system is unfit for the cluster and Storage Area Networks (SANs). With the development of SANs, the cluster virtualization management system is needed urgently. This paper proposes one model for CVM: a storage virtualization system for cluster in SAN environment, and gives some key technologies, the prototype implementation and its performance test. The result shows that the CVM can manage the storage resource in SAN easily for cluster and provide some advance functions such as online backup, remote mirror and so on. The CVM also has failure tolerance and gives a friendly management interface for the users.