为了减少非视距(Non-light of sight,NLOS)误差对基于到达时间(Time of arrival,TOA)的无线定位系统性能的影响,本文提出一种采用接收信号强度(Received signal strength,RSS)与TOA测量值相结合的方法对含有NLOS误差的TOA测量值进行检测并修正.在视距(Light of sight,LOS)传播的TOA与RSS之间关系已知的前提下,利用定位基站得到的TOA与RSS测量值,计算TOA测量值中含有NLOS误差的可能性,并对TOA测量值进行修正.该方法在不增加通信次数的情况下,大大提高了定位精度.最后在一个无线定位系统上实现了该算法,并进行了对比实验.实验结果表明,该算法不需对多次定位结果进行统计,即可有效降低NLOS误差对系统性能的影响,适用于对功耗要求苛刻的场合.
A new algorithm is proposed for detecting and mitigating non-light of sight(NLOS) error in a time of arrival(TOA) based wireless positioning system.Received signal strength (RSS) is employed to detect whether a TOA value contains NLOS error and mitigate it.When the relationship between TOA and RSS in light of sight (LOS) situation is known,a possibility of NLOS can be calculated using the TOA & RSS measurement results which are provided by a base station.Then the TOA measurement results can be trimmed using the possibility mentioned above.Finally,the algorithm is implemented in a wireless positioning system.Experiment results show that the algorithm can mitigate the effect of NLOS without increasing times of measurements.